

  • [DOI] Y. Jarma, K. Boloor, M. Dias de Amorim, Y. Viniotis, and R. Callaway, “Dynamic Service Contract Enforcement in Service-Oriented Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 130-142, 2013.
    Author = {Yesid Jarma and Keerthana Boloor and Marcelo {Dias de Amorim} and Yannis Viniotis and Robert Callaway},
    journal={{IEEE Transactions on Services Computing}},
    title={{Dynamic Service Contract Enforcement in Service-Oriented Networks}},
  • [DOI] Y. Jarma, G. Karbaschi, M. Dias de Amorim, F. Benbadis, and G. Chelius, “Volume-Aware Positioning in the Context of a Marine Port Terminal,” Computer Communications, vol. 34, iss. 8, p. 962 – 972, 2011.
    Author = {Yesid Jarma and Golnaz Karbaschi and Marcelo {Dias de Amorim} and Farid Benbadis and Guillaume Chelius},
    Date-Added = {2011-12-21 16:37:21 +0100},
    Date-Modified = {2012-02-07 17:46:08 +0100},
    Doi = {10.1016/j.comcom.2011.02.003},
    Journal = {{Computer Communications}},
    Month = {June},
    Number = {8},
    Pages = {962 -- 972},
    Title = {{Volume-Aware Positioning in the Context of a Marine Port Terminal}},
    Volume = {34},
    Year = {2011},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}


  • [DOI] R. A. Gorcitz, Y. Jarma, P. Spathis, M. D. de, R. Wakikawa, J. Whitbeck, V. Conan, and S. Fdida, “Vehicular Carriers for Big Data Transfers (Poster),” in IEEE VNC, Seoul, Korea, 2012.
    Address = {Seoul, Korea},
    Author = {Raul Adrian Gorcitz and Yesid Jarma and Promethee Spathis and Marcelo Dias {de} Amorim and Ryuji Wakikawa and John Whitbeck and Vania Conan and Serge Fdida},
    Booktitle = {{IEEE VNC}},
    Date-Modified = {2013-02-04 20:37:04 +0100},
    Doi = {10.1109/VNC.2012.6407418},
    Month = {November},
    Title = {{Vehicular Carriers for Big Data Transfers (Poster)}},
    Year = 2012}
  • [DOI] Y. Jarma, M. Dias de Amorim, and Y. Viniotis, “Towards Multi-Service Traffic Shaping in Two-Tier Enterprise Data Centers,” in IEEE CloudCom, Athens, Greece, 2011, p. 640 – 645.
    Address = {Athens, Greece},
    Author = {Yesid Jarma and Marcelo {Dias de Amorim} and Yannis Viniotis},
    Booktitle = {{IEEE CloudCom}},
    Date-Added = {2011-12-21 16:34:17 +0100},
    Date-Modified = {2012-02-07 17:40:53 +0100},
    Doi = {10.1109/CloudCom.2011.99},
    Month = {November},
    Pages = {640 -- 645},
    Title = {{Towards Multi-Service Traffic Shaping in Two-Tier Enterprise Data Centers}},
    Year = {2011},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
  • [DOI] Y. Jarma, G. Karbaschi, M. Dias de Amorim, F. Benbadis, and G. Chelius, “VAPS: Positioning with Spatial Constraints,” in IEEE WoWMoM, Kos, Greece, 2009.
    Address = {Kos, Greece},
    Author = {Yesid Jarma and Golnaz Karbaschi and Marcelo {Dias de Amorim} and Farid Benbadis and Guillaume Chelius},
    Booktitle = {{IEEE WoWMoM}},
    Date-Added = {2011-12-21 16:35:25 +0100},
    Date-Modified = {2012-02-07 17:47:18 +0100},
    Doi = {10.1109/WOWMOM.2009.5282485},
    Month = {June},
    Title = {{VAPS: Positioning with Spatial Constraints}},
    Year = {2009},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}


  • Y. Jarma, “Resource protection in enterprise data centers: architectures and protocols,” PhD Thesis, 2012.
    Author = {Yesid Jarma},
    Date-Added = {2012-02-28 14:16:49 +0100},
    Date-Modified = {2012-02-28 14:19:35 +0100},
    School = {UPMC Sorbonne Universit\'{e}s},
    Title = {Resource Protection in Enterprise Data Centers: Architectures and Protocols},
    Url = {},
    Year = {2012},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}